你的成绩单. 你的方式.




Blockchain emerging technology brings 校友 and students the freedom and security of owning their personal information in the digital age.

  • Maryville is one of the first universities in the world to support the use of this technology for 成绩单 and digital diplomas.
  • Maryville大学 has implemented Blockchain 成绩单 and diplomas, 让学生拥有自己的学习证书.

这项服务可以帮助主页的学生轻松访问, 分享, 管理和验证他们的学位文凭, 成绩单和其他学习成绩.

Official 成绩单 from Maryville are available in Blockchain-secured, email, and paper formats.
索取笔录, verify a Blockchain transcript or learn more about transcript options, 请从以下选项中选择.



学生, you may now order official 成绩单 from Maryville in Blockchain, 可移植文档, 或者打印格式, 或者为你的记录获取一份非官方的副本.



  • 什么是Blockchain记录?

    Maryville现在提供Blockchain成绩单, allowing students to securely own their learning credentials. Owning your own learning credentials through Blockchain technology allows you to easily access, 分享, 管理和验证你的文凭和证书, 成绩单, 以及其他学习成果.

    A Blockchain transcript is tamper-proof and can be 分享d and verified easily and securely. 在这个格式中, you will own and control your learning credentials so you can decide what you want to 分享 and with whom you want to 分享 easily from your personal devices.

    当发布, the transcript will be permanently secured to the Blockchain, which will create a unique link which you can use to 分享 your transcript with whomever you designate and that these third-parties can use to confirm the authenticity of the official transcript on the Blockchain issued by Maryville大学.

    Maryville is one of the first universities in the world to support the use of Blockchain technology for 成绩单. We recommend checking with the organization or individual with whom you will be sharing your Blockchain transcript to confirm they will accept it in this format. 您可能希望在您的查询中包含链接 http://scfhvv.cqxhdn.com/Blockchain,这将为他们提供额外的信息.

    For the best user experience, please use Firefox, Chrome, or Safari.

  • 什么是PDF(可携式文件格式)成绩单?

    A 可移植文档 format (pdf) transcript is an official transcript delivered electronically over a secure network to the email address you designate as the recipient.

    学生 must enter a new request for each transcript recipient each time you want the transcript to be sent.

  • 什么是打印成绩单?

    打印的成绩单是一种有形的纸质文件. 被认为是官方的, it typically needs to be mailed directly to the recipient in a sealed envelope; it is recommended that you check with the organization receiving the transcript for their specific delivery requirements. 例如, some schools will not accept a transcript as official if it is hand delivered by the student, 即使是在密封的信封里. When requesting a printed transcript to be delivered via mail, there is a cost for mailing; expedited delivery options are also available.

  • 我如何确保我的成绩单显示我的最终成绩?

    • 如果你即将毕业, 当你提交订单时,选择“学位授予后”,” and your transcript will not be released until your degree or certificate has been conferred.

    • Please wait until all of your coursework has been graded before requesting the Blockchain transcript. 您可以查看您的 非官方的成绩单,一旦发布,就会显示你的最终成绩. In most instances, final grades are available within 1 week of the end of the term.

  • How do I ensure my transcript shows my completed degree or certificate?

    • 如果你即将毕业, 当你提交订单时,选择“学位授予后”,” and your transcript will not be released until your degree or certificate has been conferred.

    • Please wait until your degree or certificate has been conferred before requesting the Blockchain transcript. If you have just recently completed all coursework for your degree, you can check your 非官方的成绩单 (note: you must have active Maryville login credentials to access the 非官方的成绩单), 哪一个会显示你的学位或证书. In most instances, the degree or certificate is awarded within 2-3 weeks of the end of the term.





We are continuously advancing our technology and services for 校友. We now offer Blockchain 成绩单 in addition to 可移植文档 (pdf) and paper formats.



  • 什么是Blockchain记录?

    Maryville现在提供Blockchain成绩单, allowing students to securely own their learning credentials. Owning your own learning credentials through Blockchain technology allows you to easily access, 分享, 管理和验证你的文凭和证书, 成绩单, 以及其他学习成果.

    A Blockchain transcript is tamper-proof and can be 分享d and verified easily and securely. 在这个格式中, you will own and control your learning credentials so you can decide what you want to 分享 and with whom you want to 分享 easily from your personal devices.

    当发布, the transcript will be permanently secured to the Blockchain, which will create a unique link which you can use to 分享 your transcript with whomever you designate and that these third-parties can use to confirm the authenticity of the official transcript on the Blockchain issued by Maryville大学.

    Maryville is one of the first universities in the world to support the use of Blockchain technology for 成绩单. We recommend checking with the organization or individual with whom you will be sharing your Blockchain transcript to confirm they will accept it in this format. 您可能希望在您的查询中包含链接 http://scfhvv.cqxhdn.com/Blockchain,这将为他们提供额外的信息.

    For the best user experience, please use Firefox, Chrome, or Safari.

  • 什么是PDF(可携式文件格式)成绩单?

    A 可移植文档 format (pdf) transcript is an official transcript delivered electronically over a secure network to the email address you designate as the recipient.

    学生 must enter a new request for each transcript recipient each time you want the transcript to be sent.

  • 什么是打印成绩单?

    打印的成绩单是一种有形的纸质文件. 被认为是官方的, it typically needs to be mailed directly to the recipient in a sealed envelope; it is recommended that you check with the organization receiving the transcript for their specific delivery requirements. 例如, some schools will not accept a transcript as official if it is hand delivered by the student, 即使是在密封的信封里. When requesting a printed transcript to be delivered via mail, there is a cost for mailing; expedited delivery options are also available.

  • How do I ensure my transcript shows my completed degree or certificate?

    • 如果你即将毕业, 当你提交订单时,选择“学位授予后”,” and your transcript will not be released until your degree or certificate has been conferred.

    • Please wait until your degree or certificate has been conferred before requesting the Blockchain transcript. If you have just recently completed all coursework for your degree, you can check your 非官方的成绩单 (note: you must have active Maryville login credentials to access the 非官方的成绩单), 哪一个会显示你的学位或证书. In most instances, the degree or certificate is awarded within 2-3 weeks of the end of the term.





如果你在1982年之前就读于MU, we release official 成绩单 in a paper format by following these steps:

  1. 完成成绩单申请表
  2. 打印并签署表格. Maryville大学 cannot accept electronic signatures on the document per federal privacy laws.
  3. 邮寄、传真或将填妥的表格交回 解决方案小组 在甘德大厅游客中心. 邮寄地址和传真号码列在表格上.




Have you received a Blockchain transcript from a Maryville student or alumnus?

Maryville大学 has implemented a student owned learning credential service to help our students easily access, 分享, 管理和验证他们的文凭和证书, 成绩单和其他学习成绩.

Blockchain emerging technology brings our students and 校友 the freedom and security of owning their personal information in the digital age. Maryville is one of the first universities in the world to support the use of this technology for 成绩单 and digital diplomas.

It only takes seconds to verify a Maryville student’s credentials on Blockchain instead of days or even weeks, 雇主和大学都可以免费验证.


Blockchain supports talent acquisition in a timely manner and with confidence. Blockchain verifications take only seconds and the credentialing records are immutable. Maryville supports employers of their graduates by providing Blockchain verification that take only seconds for immutable credentialing records saving time and loss of candidates from extended waiting periods using traditional verification methods. 了解更多Maryville如何通过 Blockchain.

For the best user experience, please use Firefox, Chrome, or Safari.




通过电子邮件与主页的解决方案小组联系 ssc@cqxhdn.com,请访问 cqxhdn.com/ssc 或致电(314)529-9360.